Welcome to Friends of the Avon New Cut
Friends of the Avon New Cut (commonly known as FrANC) was formed in 2006 when a group of local people got together to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the Avon New Cut – a man-made tidal waterway. FrANC has a membership of over 200 people who share a keen interest in helping the natural environment of the Avon New Cut to thrive, so locals and visitors can enjoy this green corridor in the heart of Bristol.
What's On
Community Gardening Group at Butterfly JunctionRepeating Event
Litter picking winter 2024/25 seasonRepeating Event
Latest News

Bumper litter picking session
We were delighted to have our biggest turnout of volunteers for several years last Saturday, helping clear litter from the banks of the New Cut.

Birds and Other Wildlife Survey 2024
An informal survey of birds and other wildlife spotted along part of the New Cut in 2024.

Delay to emergency repairs following recent high tides – an update from the council
The Transport Engagement team at the council have sent us this update about the repairs and road closures around the Banana Bridge.