FrANC organises a monthly community gardening session around Butterfly Junction near the Create Centre to enhance this area of scrubby urban land and encourage butterfly and day moth breeding.
Initially work had to focus on clearing brambles and other invasive plants, as well as cutting back a few self-seeded trees and shrubs. But then the group were able to move on to planting and by the start of summer 2022, beautiful grasses and wild flowers waved gently in the breeze – and the butterflies came!

The group is now tackling the two strips of wasteland on either side of the pedestrian/cycle path beyond Butterfly Junction to where the path meets Avon Crescent and their work included planting wild cherry trees.
If you would like to get involved with this friendly group of volunteers, whether for a one-off session or for something more long-term, please see the What’s On section of our home page for more information. All equipment is provided.
(click on an image to view larger)