Formally constituted as a community group in 2006, FrANC relies on grants, fundraising and donations to ensure that it is open to all.
Becoming a member of FrANC is easy and free – just sign up to our mailing list. You will then receive occasional emails inviting you to events or updating you on our activities.
FrANC’s aims and organisation is set out in its constitution which was last updated in November 2019.

Follow the links below to find out more about the organisation of FrANC:
A small committee plans and oversees FrANC’s activities. Details of current committee members and minutes of meetings can be found on this page.
Annual General Meetings
Each year, members are invited to attend FrANC’s Annual General Meeting. Minutes of past AGM’s can be viewed on this page.
FrANC works with many project partners and is very grateful for their collaboration and support.
You can read the Friends of the Avon New Cut (FrANC) policies such as ‘Safeguarding’ and ‘Equality & Diversity’ on this page.