From regular sessions litter picking or community gardening, to occasional walks, talks and other events, there’s plenty to interest FrANC members and others who share our love of the environment around the Avon New Cut.
Over the years, FrANC has published a number of leaflets and books. These include circular walks and a treasure hunt.
FrANC is free to join and we rely on grants, donations, volunteers and fundraising to support our activities.

From regular sessions litter picking or community gardening, to occasional walks, talks and other events, there’s plenty to interest FrANC members and others who share our love of the environment around the Avon New Cut.
Over the years, FrANC has published a number of leaflets and books. These include circular walks and a treasure hunt.

FrANC is free to join and we rely on grants, donations, volunteers and fundraising to support our activities.
Follow the links below to find out more about what we do:
Litter Picking
Before birds & other wildlife start to nest and breed, FrANC members undertake litter picking & maintenance of the New Cut riverbanks.
Community Gardening
FrANC organises a monthly community gardening session around Butterfly Junction. Do join our friendly group of volunteers!
Find out what FrANC has been doing and what’s been happening of interest around the Avon New Cut.
Events, Walks & Talks
FrANC organises and runs guided walks and talks on various aspects relating to the Avon New Cut.
Leaflets & Books
Details of “A Celebration of the Avon New Cut” as well as many other publications can be found on this page.
Copies of Friends of the Avon New Cut’s newsletters since the community group was formed in 2006 can be found on this page.