Rubbish clear-up along the New Cut as part of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme

As an important element of his DofE Award, a local teenager, Christopher Parker, undertook a 13 week programme of extensive litter clearance in our part of Bristol, including regular trawls of Greville Smyth Park as well as along the New Cut towards Riverside Garden Centre. After each session, Christopher took all the rubbish home and sorted it so that it could then be recycled.

Christopher was originally one of a group of six, all working for their DofE Awards: however, Covid restrictions meant that they had to work as pairs. Passers-by commented on the good job they were doing and a message on Facebook read: Thank you, whoever you are, you are amazing! Radio Bristol gave them a mention as part of an item on the value of parks and green spaces, particularly during lockdown, and the interest shown by younger people in looking after their environment.

We are very grateful to Christopher for clearing rubbish from along the New Cut. FrANC chair, Tim Wickstead, has submitted an assessment report and we all hope that Christopher gets his DofE Award in due course.

Listen to the Radio Bristol recording:


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