Butterfly Junction special event – herb planters

Butterfly Junction community gardening takes place on the first Saturday of every month, but on September 2nd, starting at 11am, we have a special event to build a couple of herb planters.

Wessex Water have kindly funded the planter project, which includes refreshments. So after the session we can go to a nearby café for a bit of a social with coffee and cake!

The idea for herb planters was given to us as a next step to improve Butterfly Junction by the Royal Horticultural Society and South West Bristol in Bloom when they gave us an Outstanding It’s Your Neighbourhood Award last year. The herbs will promote biodiversity.

Overseeing the building of the planters will be local landscaper Mo Mulligan, who we have worked with previously on the cherry tree planting project. Mo will be providing the expertise to support us on this project. He has built many planters in the area notably on North Street Green and at the Dean Lane community orchard.

If you can come, please wear sturdy shoes. You can bring your favourite pair of gardening gloves and a spade, if you have one. However, we do have extra gloves and tools, if you haven’t.

We do hope you can join us.



Sat 02 Sep 2023


11:00 am - 1:00 pm

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