Keeping the Banks of the Avon New Cut Clean
Do join us for this the last of the three Saturdays listed for FrANC Riverbank Clean-ups in early 2022.
√ 15th January: Meet at 9.50am at Vauxhall Bridge on the Coronation Road side of The Cut (see our Facebook post to find out how we got on)
√ 19th February: Meet at 9.50am at the Langton Street (Banana) Bridge (see our Facebook post)
√ 12th March: Meet at 9.50am at Gaol Ferry Bridge (Coronation Road side)
Please note: Gaol Ferry Bridge may be partially closed for repairs during most of this time.
The sessions finish at 12pm. We will provide gloves, bags and litter-pickers. Invitations will be sent to all members via Mailchimp closer to each date.