
Browse a selection of our photos and videos of the New Cut through the seasons and some of our events and activities.

Birds on the New Cut

Plants, Trees and Flowers

Butterfly Junction Management

Bridges and Infrastructure

Events and Walks - Plants and Wildlife

Events and Walks - History and Culture

"FrANC Fest" - Celebration of FrANC's 10th Birthday (October 2016)

Videos of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Avon New Cut in 2009

FrANC boat trip up the Avon New Cut to Netham Weir (October 2015)

Join FrANC

Membership of FrANC is free of charge and open to all – just sign up to our mailing list using the form below.

You will then receive occasional emails inviting you to events or updating you on our activities.

If you have any questions about membership of FrANC, you can contact our Membership Secretary via email:

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