FrANC’s work assessed as outstanding by It’s your Neighbourhood scheme

This year FrANC joined The Royal Horticultural Society and Britain in Bloom’s It’s Your Neighbourhood scheme which aims to help groups green up their local communities through gardening, environmental and community action. Each year scheme members are assessed and receive feedback on how to grow and develop their work.

In July some of our committee met with an assessor from the scheme and described to her our work surveying fauna and flora and litter picking. They moved on to show her the work at Butterfly Junction and described our plans for future development of the surrounding area.

We have just received the results of the assessment and are delighted to have been classed as ‘Outstanding’. 

Thank you to everyone who helps us maintain the Avon New Cut’s valuable salt marsh habitat and especially to Guy Malkerson and all the volunteers for their work in developing Butterfly Junction into a haven for pollinators.

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