Gathering wildlife data along the New Cut

We have been contacted by Ben Barker, founder of numerous local wildlife projects, to ask if we would take part in a wildlife survey for the Greater Bedminster Urban Nature Reserve (GBUNR). Ben already has many BS3 gardens and some local parks contributing, but including the wildlife along the New Cut would increase the diversity of the survey’s findings.

Ben describes the project in this way:

“We don’t have a form, it’s just a question of people noting down what they see along the Cut and collecting that information together. You might want to make general comments like ‘can be seen on most days’ or ‘usually seen in small flocks’ or ‘very rarely seen’ or ‘only in the autumn’ or ‘swimming with young’ etc. If pictures can be taken, so much the better. Birds are probably the easiest group to record, but if anyone is interested in butterflies, toadstools or hedgehogs that’s fine too. 

At the end of the year, we will try to collate the information into a report across BS3 which will give a rough idea of the situation in 2024. I think this report will be ‘indicative’ rather than ‘scientific’. Once we have it, we will circulate it as much as we can to raise local awareness.”

Laura Demery (FrANC’s treasurer and web editor) has agreed to coordinate FrANC’s response but needs your help. Please send her details of what wildlife you spot in and along the New Cut during 2024 either by email to or, especially if you have a nice photo to share, via our FrANC’s Photos WhatsApp group. Let Laura know if  you’re a FrANC member and want to be added to that group. Whether you want to let her know sightings as they happen, or prefer to compile a list yourself to share with her later in the year, that’s fine. 

Enjoy your wildlife spotting! 

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