Vauxhall Bridge to close for repairs
The transport team at Bristol City Council have informed FrANC that Vauxhall Bridge will close for essential and urgent repairs with effect from 2nd October.
Butterfly Junction herb planters
Seventeen volunteers gathered to build and set two herb planters generously funded by Wessex Water.
They’re open!
On Friday September 8th, the long awaited re-opening of both Gaol Ferry Bridge and the Chocolate Path finally happened.
Gaol Ferry Bridge and the Chocolate Path re-opening
It’s great to be able to share some positive news. Both Gaol Ferry Bridge and the Chocolate Path will be re-opening in early September.
Pollution of the New Cut
During heavy rainfall, sewage may need be discharged into the New Cut. Many of us can help by reducing the rainwater entering the sewers.
Tree works along the banks of the New Cut
A city council tree officer has contacted FrANC to explain why a large sycamore tree on the banks of the Avon New Cut will need to be felled.