Gathering wildlife data along the New Cut
We’re collating a list of wildlife sightings on the New Cut as part of a wildlife survey for the Greater Bedminster Urban Nature Reserve.
Guided walk for DEFRA
In late February, Ed Hall led a guided walk for DEFRA along the banks of the Avon New Cut, as part of a team awayday.
Water quality testing
FrANC members have been trained by BART to measure water quality monthly in the New Cut and other waterways.
New Cut maintenance works
Projects to clear vegetation to allow monitoring of the state of the walls along several sections of the New Cut will start soon.
Vauxhall Bridge to close for repairs
The transport team at Bristol City Council have informed FrANC that Vauxhall Bridge will close for essential and urgent repairs with effect from 2nd October.
Butterfly Junction herb planters
Seventeen volunteers gathered to build and set two herb planters generously funded by Wessex Water.