FrANC’s work assessed as outstanding by It’s your Neighbourhood scheme
We’re delighted that FrANC’s work has been assessed as outstanding by the Royal Horticultural Society and Britain in Bloom’s It’s Your Neighbourhood scheme.
Chocolate Path repairs to be completed early 2023
According to a Bristol 24/7 article published on 7th October, the extensive repairs to the path and surrounding land are expected to be completed in early 2023.
Butterfly Junction – a great endorsement of all the hard work!
Since the project began last autumn, Guy Malkerson and a group of intrepid gardeners have met on a monthly basis at Butterfly Junction.
FrANC on BBC Countryfile
FrANC was approached by the BBC Countryfile team and asked we were willing to be filmed as part of a special episode featuring litter clean-ups.
Chair’s Report 2021
FrANC’s Chair Tim Wickstead sums up the year in a report he produced for the 2021 AGM.
Successful grant applications for community gardening
We’re delighted to announce that we’ve received two grants to help support our new community gardening project based at Butterfly Junction.